
The prize for eminent researcher in medical sciences for Prof. Marcin Magierowski

Prof. Magierowski received the prestigious award for outstanding scientists in the field of medical research. Prof. Browicz Prize is awarded each year by Polska Akademia Umiejętności since 1998. https://pau.krakow.pl/index.php/pl/dzialalnosc/nagrody-i-wyroznienia/nagroda-im-browicza/laureaci-nagrody-im-browicza/w-2023 https://www.uj.edu.pl/wiadomosci/-/journal_content/56_INSTANCE_d82lKZvhit4m/10172/153826741

Prestigious research grant for early career researchers awarded to Aleksandra Danielak, MD

We are pleased to announce that GAMEG Lab member, Aleksandra Danielak (former MD student and current PhD student) was awarded with competitive and prestigious Perły Nauki grant, sponsored by Ministry of Education and Science (Poland). Perły Nauki is dedicated to outstanding early career researchers (students) determined to handle formally a research project”. Her grant is focused on the preclinical implementation of novel carbon […]

Interview with the Dr hab. Marcin Magierowski and Dr Katarzyna Magierowska

We invite you to read the interview with the Leader of the GAMEG lab Group – Dr hab. Marcin Magierowski, Professor of UJ and Dr Katarzyna Magierowska, which concerns recent publications and future research projects. https://www.mp.pl/gastrologia/ekspert/309910,mitochondria-chronione-przez-siarkowodor

Distinction for the doctoral dissertation

Congratulations to the member of our team, Dr Dagmara Wójcik-Grzybek, who was awarded in the 5th edition of the competition of the „J-elita” Society for her doctoral dissertation.     https://j-elita.org.pl/aktualnosci/znamy-juz-laureatow-konkursu-im-prof-witolda-bartnika/

Award for a member of our group!!

Congratulations to our group member and MD-student, ALEKSANDRA DANIELAK who was awarded a scholarship for outstanding scientific achievements from Ministry of Science and Education!!!   https://www.cm-uj.krakow.pl/ind…/collegium/aktualnosc/2896 https://www.gov.pl/web/edukacja-i-nauka/ogloszenie-wynikow-postepowania-w-sprawie-przyznania-stypendiow-ministra-edukacji-i-nauki-dla-studentow-na-rok-akademicki-20212022